Welcome To Belly Of The Whale
Just as Jonah encountered God in the belly of the whale, we also long to encounter God amidst our often stormy and busy lives. Our mission is to help you find your belly of the whale, a safe space to connect with God through spiritual direction, retreat leadership and creative ways to pray. Take a look at what we offer and let us know how we might share this journey of spiritual discovery together with you.
Spiritual direction
It would be an honor to share your spiritual journey together with you as we prayerfully turn our "direction" toward God, seeking God's presence in your everyday life.
Retreat Leadership
Sharon offers an annual 3 day/3 night spiritual renewal retreat based on the book of Jonah each July. She is also available throughout the year to lead a a variety of contemplative prayer retreats for your group.
Explore our monthly Whale Spouts Newsletter, Blog, Poetry and Sharon’s books on contemplative coloring as a way of focusing your prayer and drawing closer to God.
If you feel so moved, your generosity is a gift that helps sustain this meaningful ministry.
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