Frequency & Fees
Typically, I meet monthly with directees for an hour long session. Some folks who are new to spiritual direction may wish to meet more regularly in the beginning and then move to monthly sessions. Those participating in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises meet weekly for spiritual direction and receive materials for daily spiritual practice in preparation for our time together. All sessions are currently being held on-line via Zoom, FaceTime or audio call - depending on your personal preference.
I want all to feel welcome to come to spiritual direction just as you are. Pay less than the standard fee if needed or more if you are able. Keep in mind that if you are a clergy-person, you may have access to continuing education or professional development funds that can be used for the purposes of spiritual self-care.
Spiritual Direction Information Session - Free (30 minutes)
Individual Spiritual Direction - $80 (50 minutes)
The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (19th Annotation) - $1,800 (if paid in 3 installments of $600 each) or $1,700 (if paid in full up front) for the full 32-weeks.