The Spiritual Exercises

of St. Ignatius

If you are interested in a more intensive experience of spiritual formation, you may want to consider the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (Retreat In Daily Life). This 32-week retreat (also known as the 19th Annotation) involves daily lectio divina, spiritual journaling, weekly meetings with a spiritual director and close attention to Christ’s presence in your daily life. 

I had never heard of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises when I began my training to be a spiritual director back in 2012. All I knew was that I felt clearly called to be a spiritual director, the closest training program was Ignatian, and completing the 32-week journey through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius was one of the requirements of the program. As a Protestant, I confess that I was a bit hesitant, but trusted that God had a reason for my introduction to this 16th century Catholic saint so I leapt in with both feet. And, I have never looked back.

I don’t think it is an over exaggeration to say that the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises transformed my personal relationship with Jesus and clarified my call to embody God’s love in every layer of my life. The daily focus on scripture, prayer and journaling along with the weekly meetings with my spiritual director became an anchor for me during an especially challenging time of my life. It is often said that Ignatian Spirituality is a call to “Seek God in All Things,” and that accurately describes what the Spiritual Exercises helped me to do.

Accompanying others on this journey through the Spiritual Exercises has become one of the most meaningful parts of my spiritual direction practice. Here’s what is involved in a nutshell…

Daily Prayer: You will benefit most deeply from the Spiritual Exercises if you are able to commit to approximately 30 minutes of prayer each day. That being said, grace is essential to this journey. Life happens and there will be days that special “set apart” time won’t happen. God is good. The Spirit will move. And, the love of Christ will sustain you along the way.

Weekly Spiritual Direction: We will meet via Zoom for regular, weekly spiritual direction (50 minutes) at a mutually agreed upon meeting time.

Materials: I typically use the Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life by Kevin O’Brien as a guide for our journey through the 32 weeks of Spiritual Exercises. Years ago, my own spiritual director guided me through the Spiritual Exercises using the classic text of Choosing Christ in the World by Joseph Tetlow and I would be glad to use that resource if you prefer. I am open to using either of these resources or others depending on your interest.

Financial: The tuition for 32 sessions of weekly, private spiritual direction (50 minutes each) is $1,700 if paid in full up front - or in 3 installments of $600 each (for a total of $1,800). Anything beyond the standard 32 sessions will be billed at $55/session. Limited scholarships are available on a case by case basis. In addition, you would need to purchase your own copy of the Ignatian Adventure mentioned above (approximately $15) and a spiritual journal of your choice.

Continuing Education: I have been authorized to offer 4 CEU’s to any pastors who are interested in embarking upon this journey of spiritual formation.

If you feel the Spirit is nudging you toward this deep dive into spiritual renewal through the Spiritual Exercises, I would be delighted to talk with you more about it. Email me if you would like to schedule a 30 minute zoom or phone call (no obligation and no fee for this) to answer any questions you may have.  

Peace and hope to you on your journey of faith,


What people are saying about the Spiritual Exercises

Experiencing the 32-week Spiritual Exercises with Sharon offered me a safe, accepting, and non-judgmental space where I could experience a personal connection to the Spirit.  It is life changing to be able to freely and openly express where I am on my spiritual journey and become more introspective in my prayer life.  The result has been an openness with God that has led me toward a wholeness I have not experienced before.  Most importantly I am strengthening my relationship with God, with myself and with the people in my life as I grow in my understanding of the spiritual aspect of what it means to be human. - Jenny


“Spiritual Direction using the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises has helped me discern God’s invitations, helping me gain awareness of where God is leading me in my journey. Each meeting I leave with so many “aha” moments. It has breathed new life into my walk with God.” - VS


"Spiritual direction carves out a safe, sacred space in which I am free to share whatever is on my heart and mind... no guilt for talking too much and no artificial rules about what I "should" or "shouldn't" say. It is amazing how speaking my joys and struggles aloud brings them into better focus and opens the door to seeing situations in a clearer and more Spirit-filled light!"