Mandalas, Candles & Prayer
creative ways to pray: Mandalas, candles & prayer
Mandalas, Candles & Prayer is an invitation to slow down and savor the season of Advent. Based on the spiritual practices of coloring mandalas (circular designs), lighting candles, and praying, Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer will help you focus on God and experience hope, love, joy, and peace throughout the Advent season.
Each week focuses on an Advent theme and a form of prayer:
Week One: HOPE and the Ignatian Examen
Week Two: LOVE and Intercessory Prayer
Week Three: JOY and Lectio Divina
Week Four: PEACE and Centering Prayer
how to use
Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer includes practical suggestions for use by small groups, families and individuals.
Each chapter includes a brief story, an explanation of the weekly theme and related prayer method, a simple candle-lighting liturgy (easily adaptable for worship), questions for contemplation and conversation, and seven mandalas for contemplative coloring.
Below you will find easy-to-use, practical leadership guides for a variety of settings. Click on the highlighted links to learn more.
* A Guide for Worship Leaders (including a sample candle-lighting liturgy)