More than a fluke...
A whale’s tail is more than just a fluke. The fluke, or tail, of each humpback whale has a unique pattern that is different than all others. Like our human fingerprints, no two flukes are exactly alike. However, in addition to identity, a fluke also provides direction and forward motion for the whale as it moves through the surrounding waters.
Similarly, our divine calling is more than just a fluke. God has created each person with a unique pattern of gifts and graces that is different than all others. No two calls are exactly alike. Our calling provides direction and forward motion that propels us through both the calm and turbulent waters of our lives.
I invite you to make time in your busy life to identify and embrace your divine calling. Prayer, meditation, and other spiritual disciplines can guide you along this journey. May we have eyes to see and ears to hear God’s call in our lives – it’s no fluke!