Epiphany Greetings


A blessed Epiphany to you!

May this season of the sacred star open your eyes to see God's "star-light" shining in you and all those you meet. Many years ago the magi were called to travel through unknown lands in search of the sacred star. Like the magi of old, we too are called out of our comfort zone in search of God's light in our world today. 

How will you seek God's light in the year to come?

I ask this not to push you to make grand resolutions that are just as easily ended as begun. I ask because I know that, for me, it helps when I am intentional about creating space to be with God on purpose. I can only see God's light if I intentionally open my eyes to look. I can only hear God's whispers if I am quiet enough to listen.

What spiritual practices might open your eyes to see and ears to hear?

There are as many ways to answer this question as there are people on this earth. I simply encourage you to hold the question in your heart and let it percolate a bit. 

Follow the star and see where it leads. Dare to venture into the unknown territories of your heart and soul. You never know what creative, new spiritual practices might open your eyes to God's shimmering light in your life. Perhaps some of the opportunities listed below might even be part of your intentional soul care in the year to come. 

Open your eyes. Seek the light. God is shining in the darkness and the darkness will never, ever overcome it!

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