We are a people desperately in need of healing. The needs of the world are vast and wide, but in this moment there are two pandemics that we are compelled to face together - one is brand new (covid-19) and one is centuries old (racism-1619). Both are heartbreaking.
Read MoreA large part of what I do as a spiritual director is to help people find their belly of the whale - a sacred space (safe from the storms) where they can pray, reconnect with God and regain the strength to go and be who God is calling them to be.
Read MoreToday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of our 40 day Lenten journey toward Easter. This is the time of year when Christians typically give something up (or alternatively take something on) to help direct our attention toward God.
Read MoreThree years ago I began the spiritual practice of discerning a yearly "sacred word." These words have been beacons of hope and reassurance that God is always present - reminding me to slow down, lay fallow and dance with abandon.
Read MoreA blessed Epiphany to you!
May this season of the sacred star open your eyes to see God's "star-light" shining in you and all those you meet. Many years ago the magi were called to travel through unknown lands in search of the sacred star. Like the magi of old, we too are called out of our comfort zone in search of God's light in our world today.
Read MoreFor our anniversary this past August, my husband and I gifted one another with a week-long digital media fast - no Facebook, Twitter, Candy Crush, inflammatory news, etc. We were able to focus more time and energy on one another and it was heavenly! So refreshing, in fact, that I found it harder than I expected to re-enter the digital screen-i-verse!
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